Arleta DMV.
I got my number after waiting for 25 minutes in front of the damn place. My number is B-513. Damn, I never got a number that high, I wonder how many people are inside and what is the number it's currently at. Step in, goddamn! Monitors everywhere showing that they are barely at B-394. Shit, I'm out-of-luck! Oh wells, sit and wait, what else, right!? Nearly two hours go by, my number pops up. Yes! Finally! The cubicle is across the damn place I was at, and the place is full of stupid people blocking walkways. I finally get there, but three seconds before I make it, the next number pops up for that cubicle, WTF?! SERIOUSLY?! WTF!? The other guy swoops in front of me, asshole! Too bad he didn't know what shithead he was going to talk to, and I wasn't going to help him out for doing that shit. The guy ahead of me wants to get his car registered, has all the papers and everything. The DMV associate, lets call him Bob for simplicity's sake, tells him that he needs to get the smog done. Little did the fucker know that the smog he has from the seller was good for three months, and Bob told him it was no good. Bob sent him home telling him he needs to do smog and come back. My turn, f these SOBs. So Bob asks me what I need help with, I'm a very nice guy with polite manners, so I tell him that I got a letter from the DMV, and hand it to him, and tell him that I sold my car and promptly mailed out the liability form. He asks me when I did it, I said I sold the car on September 25 and mailed out the form the following week. This stupid ass asks me, when did I mail it out. I'm thinking, WTF ASSHOLE, I JUST TOLD YOU, but instead I say, first week of October. He then tells me there is nothing he can do for me, the letter I gave him says that I can only call or go to their DMV website. I ask him about the release of liability and he says that he cannot process it due to insurance proof needed. I tell him that I've gotten my release processed no matter what. I ask him to check the system if my form went through. He tells me the car is still under my name and that there is nothing he can do about it. He is telling me all this with a stupid look on his face like he got smacked with a dildo. I tell him to f-in process it, I didn't come here for two hours to have nothing done for me. He asks me to leave and follow the directions on the DMV letter mailed to me. At this point, I start using my outside voice. Don't tell me to f-in leave, Don't tell me you can't do this shit, Don't f-in think you're better than me. You don't even try to help me, WTF is wrong with you. People are not supposed to be treated like this you f-in idiot. Let me talk to your supervisor! Then, of course, I already got everyone's attention, and obviously the super heard it. He walks over, tells the guy to get up and leave for the day, he just got his third complaint for the day. Supervisor apologizes for me, gets me all done up right, takes in my release of liability and gives me a copy stamped and dated. After it was done, I told the super thanks for helping me, but he should really fire that asshat for giving people problems and telling them lies because he doesn't want to do his job correctly. Then I tell the super that he fucked over the last guy too, look through his paperwork, the last guy had the smog done two months ago from the seller, but Bob told him he needed to do the smog to transfer title. He thanked me, then I walked out of there ASAP, f the DMV and anyone who thinks they know better.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
December 11, 2010 Wrong Fitment Crew End of 2010 Meet

After trying to secure different locations with no luck in time for the end of 2010 we decided to head back to our trusty spot in Santa Monica. This will be a chill meet for just the members of WFC. We are looking for quality over quantity and just getting the Crew together to get to know each other more. So come out and don't be shy! We are all there just to kick back.From Grippymonkey on WFC forum.
Things to bring:
SPF lotion because it's still sunny in Socal!
Money for Parking and Food if you decide to eat locally.
Coolers, chairs, beverages, and anything for chillin out with.
Snacks or anything to munch on. There's no BBQ pits so keep that in mind.
Things to leave at home:
Your attitude.
Your ricetastic ride.
Your two-step/launch control revs.
Photography and Video welcome so bring your car looking fresh!
Monday, November 15, 2010
November 27, 2010 L.A. RENDEZVOUS "THE FINALS"
The Rendezvous Series returns to L.A. for it's grand finale of 2010 show season and this time with a toy drive to benefit the Marines Toys for Tots.
The Finals will be full of surprises "car show, vendors, live music, entertainment for the family, food trucks, HPI and much much more"
come out and support for a great cause!!!
dont forget you must bring a $10 toy with your pre-reg and if you happen to forget like i sometimes do you will need to pay $15 at the door.
oohhhh and i forgot there will be CASH PRIZES!!!!!!
PRE-REG $5 with $10 toy
DOOR: $15 without toy and $5 with toy.
Toyota/Scion Central
1600 s. Figueroa st.
Los Angeles, CA
The Rendezvous Series returns to L.A. for it's grand finale of 2010 show season and this time with a toy drive to benefit the Marines Toys for Tots.
The Finals will be full of surprises "car show, vendors, live music, entertainment for the family, food trucks, HPI and much much more"
come out and support for a great cause!!!
dont forget you must bring a $10 toy with your pre-reg and if you happen to forget like i sometimes do you will need to pay $15 at the door.
oohhhh and i forgot there will be CASH PRIZES!!!!!!
PRE-REG $5 with $10 toy
DOOR: $15 without toy and $5 with toy.
Toyota/Scion Central
1600 s. Figueroa st.
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November 28, 2010 DriftDay Grip Day 3
This event is hosted by a collaboration of DriftDay, SlickAuto, and Club4AG. It will be a spectacular event as always.
Jeff from Slick Auto is hosting a private run group.
Thanksgiving Sunday Private Run Group @ SOWS 11/28/2010
Standard track day w/ SV red(advanced) run group rules. Expect our run group to have only 15 registered drivers. The track will be shared with 3 other run groups, so we'll have 4-5 sessions for the day.
Price: $135
Timing: Not included, but transponder rental will be available on-site (price is tbd).
To sign-up, send $135 PayPal payment to:
Cash/Check also accepted. Send e-mail to above e-mail address for more info.
Jeff from Slick Auto is hosting a private run group.
Thanksgiving Sunday Private Run Group @ SOWS 11/28/2010
Standard track day w/ SV red(advanced) run group rules. Expect our run group to have only 15 registered drivers. The track will be shared with 3 other run groups, so we'll have 4-5 sessions for the day.
Price: $135
Timing: Not included, but transponder rental will be available on-site (price is tbd).
To sign-up, send $135 PayPal payment to:
Cash/Check also accepted. Send e-mail to above e-mail address for more info.
November 27, 2010 3rd Annual So Cal "Turkey Run"
This is going to be the 3rd Annual So Cal "Turkey Run" in collaboration with
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Last year it was very successful. They met at another location before coming to the get-together area. I think we should do something like this as well.
The current plan, if you guys are down, would be to meet up at:
16102 Nordhoff St
North Hills, CA 91343
At about 9:45am for some grubbing before we head up. There is a Seafood City at that plaza. There are 5 small restaurants, a donut shop, and some other stores for food in that area.
Tell Yo kids.. Tell Yo wives.. Tell Yo husbands...KALESA GRILL OPENED RIGHT HEA!!!! nordhoff/woodley come Out come out!!!
NOTE: Please do not do anything stupid. If you do, you take full responsibly for your own actions. We do not condone any form of street racing.
"REMEMBER: This is a cruise, not a race to the finish. Please refrain from burning out, revving in residential neighborhoods, passing people on the road, or any violence of any sort." -rx7club
IMPORTANT: Check your cars for proper fluid levels, leaks, tire condition, and bring a sweater as it get a bit chilly at sundown.
collaboration posting of the rx7club:
We are going to meet them up at the 7eleven at 11am, then cruise on up to the hangout location.
pics from last year:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Last year it was very successful. They met at another location before coming to the get-together area. I think we should do something like this as well.
The current plan, if you guys are down, would be to meet up at:
16102 Nordhoff St
North Hills, CA 91343
At about 9:45am for some grubbing before we head up. There is a Seafood City at that plaza. There are 5 small restaurants, a donut shop, and some other stores for food in that area.
Tell Yo kids.. Tell Yo wives.. Tell Yo husbands...KALESA GRILL OPENED RIGHT HEA!!!! nordhoff/woodley come Out come out!!!
NOTE: Please do not do anything stupid. If you do, you take full responsibly for your own actions. We do not condone any form of street racing.
"REMEMBER: This is a cruise, not a race to the finish. Please refrain from burning out, revving in residential neighborhoods, passing people on the road, or any violence of any sort." -rx7club
IMPORTANT: Check your cars for proper fluid levels, leaks, tire condition, and bring a sweater as it get a bit chilly at sundown.
collaboration posting of the rx7club:
We are going to meet them up at the 7eleven at 11am, then cruise on up to the hangout location.
pics from last year:
December 5, 2010 7th Annual Motor4toys Charity Car Show
7th Annual Motor4toys Charity Car Show
This year we expect to see over 5,000 cars!!!

Our mission is to bring the motorsport community together for the holidays to collect as many toys as possible for less fortunate children. In our first year (2004) Motor4Toys was the largest single contributor of toys to the Toys For Tots Program. In 2005, we were again by over six times the volume! And in 2006 we donated an amazing 11,000 toys! In 2007 we almost doubled that again for with an amazing mountain of toys!
Entrance to the event is FREE for everyone. We ask that each guest bring along at least one new, unwrapped toy valued at least $10. Come and join us for a beautiful, sunnny day with the most spectacular high end automobiles the world has to offer... and all for a wonderful cause!
• LOCATION: The Anthem Building in Warner Center
21555 Oxnard St., Woodland Hills 91367
This year we expect to see over 5,000 cars!!!
This year we expect to see over 5,000 cars!!!

Our mission is to bring the motorsport community together for the holidays to collect as many toys as possible for less fortunate children. In our first year (2004) Motor4Toys was the largest single contributor of toys to the Toys For Tots Program. In 2005, we were again by over six times the volume! And in 2006 we donated an amazing 11,000 toys! In 2007 we almost doubled that again for with an amazing mountain of toys!
Entrance to the event is FREE for everyone. We ask that each guest bring along at least one new, unwrapped toy valued at least $10. Come and join us for a beautiful, sunnny day with the most spectacular high end automobiles the world has to offer... and all for a wonderful cause!
• LOCATION: The Anthem Building in Warner Center
21555 Oxnard St., Woodland Hills 91367
This year we expect to see over 5,000 cars!!!
December 5, 2010 Charity for Kids Post-poned

Just a small gathering to show our support for kids this Christmas!
All Toy donations will be given to "Spark of Love Foundation" supported by local Fire Departments of Orange County, CA and ABC News 7.
To show a car it will be $10 registration and a toy worth $10 (new) to give to charity in Orange County to be distributed to kids in need.
To come hang out, its free but we encourage you to bring a $10 toy to donate as well.
No pressure, no strict rules, no judging... Let's just have fun this December, and help out some kids.
There will be no moving cars, racing or any hazardous stuff, rude antics, and unmannerly stuff on the venue please.
GO HERE and REgister if you want to display your car at the show venue. If you just want to hang out, that is fine too, just park nearby and we'll mingle. In either case, please bring a TOY worth $10 new and donate to the cause!!
December 19, 2010 DropTop Showdown 3

Thanks to the help of Willow Springs International Raceway, Tire Express, Green Oil, Performance Nissan, and Tha Shop.
DROPTOP SHOWDOWN 3 with friends
...DECEMBER 19, 2010 8AM-5PM
beat the RAD record on HTM set by Sonny Watanasirisuk: 1.01.11 clockwise and win
• $125 FOR DRIFT
• $195 FOR BOTH RUN GROUPS (lap timer included)
Instructors are available for both Time Attack and Drift.
* Camping at the track the night before, so you won't need a hotel. Party as usual. Gates close at 10PM, please show up before then. Camping will be in the pit area of HTM.
* If you want to do both Grip and Drift, we will let you drive in any of the drift and grip groups, at any time for 195$; which is basically paying 130$ for one run group, and half price (65$) for the other group. I mean, with this if you really wanted to, you could just drive all day if your car permits.
* Please don't forget: Roll bars are required on HTM for any convertible. If you pay the fee and you show up without a roll bar, you will not be allowed to run and no refunds will be given.
* For obvious reasons, compound type and tread-wear will be different for grip drivers. R-compounds and lower tread-wear for grip drivers are allowed.
* If you are a beginner and this is your first event, don't worry. We are going to have a separate beginner/novice run-group just as we always do for drivers to get accustomed to their cars. We will also have instructors on hand to hop in your car to give you pointers and answer any questions that you may have.
Upon sending payment, please provide the following in the payment details:
0. DROPTOP SHOWDOWN 3 with friends
1. Name:
2. Date driving: DECEMBER 18, 2010
3. What do you drive? (make and model)
4. Type of driving: Drift, Time Attack or Both
5. Contact number:
6. Email:
7. Emergency contact number:
8. Name and Relation to emergency contact number:
9: How did you find out about us?
To register, go to or
Paypal address:
Dcember 11, 2010 AutoCon LA

Christmas comes early this year as AutoCon LA and the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation team up to host a charity toy-drive/automotive function. This event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 11th, 2010 in the underground parking structure of Seasons Place Plaza in the City of Industry. As the normal car show season comes to a close, AutoCon LA plans to bring together some of the best... rides from the west-side back for one last gathering. With the two organizations paired together, they seek to help spread the joy and cheer of the holiday season to those less fortunate. By doing this, we are giving back to the community in hopes for a better tomorrow.
-All Ages Welcome (children ages 12 & under are admitted free with accompanying adult.)
-No outside food or drinks allowed into venue. Food and Beverage concession stands will be available on-site during event hours.
Vehicle Registration: $35.00 (team discounts available. contact:
Register your vehicle at:
General Admission (for spectators): $10.00
Purchase your ticket(s) at:
For questions/inquiries regarding the event, media, vendor, or sponsorship opportunities please contact:
Follow our AutoCon Facebook page for news/offers/updates -

Christmas comes early this year as AutoCon LA and the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation team up to host a charity toy-drive/automotive function. This event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 11th, 2010 in the underground parking structure of Seasons Place Plaza in the City of Industry. As the normal car show season comes to a close, AutoCon LA plans to bring together some of the best... rides from the west-side back for one last gathering. With the two organizations paired together, they seek to help spread the joy and cheer of the holiday season to those less fortunate. By doing this, we are giving back to the community in hopes for a better tomorrow.
-All Ages Welcome (children ages 12 & under are admitted free with accompanying adult.)
-No outside food or drinks allowed into venue. Food and Beverage concession stands will be available on-site during event hours.
Vehicle Registration: $35.00 (team discounts available. contact:
Register your vehicle at:
General Admission (for spectators): $10.00
Purchase your ticket(s) at:
For questions/inquiries regarding the event, media, vendor, or sponsorship opportunities please contact:
Follow our AutoCon Facebook page for news/offers/updates -
December 4, 2010 MotorMavens / Mass Appeal Car Show

The MotorMavens Crew is finally doing its very own car show! MotorMavens was approached by the good people that are organizing The Ken Block Invitational Gymkhana Grid event to bring the most stylish street cars and show cars to Irwindale Speedway on Saturday, December 4, 2010.
For this event, we plan to showcase the freshest cars that our friends and readers own for a massive MotorMavens streetcar party at Irwindale! I can’t release the names of all the participants just yet, but from all the phone conversations I’ve had in the past week, we will have people coming from all over California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, and even British Columbia (Canada eh!) for this event! Oh… the MotorMavenettes will be in attendance too!
This event is going to be off the hook! Come out and chill with us, as we’ll be shooting an HD video of the car show to profile all the freshest street cars at the event! We will also have all the top automotive media outlets in attendance as well, scouting the best cars for magazine features. We even received media confirmations from overseas magazines – I’m talking the UK, Europe, Australia and even Japan! This is so exciting!!!
If you own a super fresh, super stylish street car and/or show car, and would like to be included as part of the show, please make sure to pre-register your car at to receive a limited edition MotorMavens x KenBlock Gymkhana Grid shirt and other gifts from our sponsors – DC Shoes, Monster Energy Drink, Discount Tire, Castrol Edge.
FYI DSTROYR will have a booth at the event so if you wanna get some holiday gifts please do so.
November 20, 2010 Auto Barrel Racing

All Spectators and Contestants MUST ENTER through Gate #2
Parking - $10.00 Admission - FREE!
Contestant Entry Fee - $100.00
Registration will begin @ 5:00 pm. Following registration there will be a practice session between 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
Qualifying runs will begin @ 8:00 pm SHARP!
Only the 16 fastest qualifiers will advance into the competition.
The 16 Qualifiers will each receive $50.00
The 8 Winners of the 1st Heat will each receive an additional $50.00
The 4 Winners of the 2nd Heat will each receive an additional $50.00
The 2 Winners of the 3rd Heat will each receive an additional $50.00
And the Winner of the Main Event will receive an additional $1,000.00
Following the ABR competition there will be a Stunt-Driver Challenge for professional stunt-drivers in the film and television industry.
For more information on this event please visit:
Or, contact Corey Eubanks @ 805-368-0800
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