Just about every year, Johnnie Walker hosts their tasting nights. They come to different cities for about a week and host their events daily. Well, they happen to be in Los Angeles this week.
I registered for the event last week, then told some of my buddies about it so they could too. I ended up going with my older brother Tony, and three of my good friends (Alex, Daniel, and Abraham). We went yesterday night, May the 3rd. Yep, we drank on a Monday. It was definitely a good start for the week.
We arrived super early because the event usually gets really filled up with lots of people. We came and waited in the line at about 7:50, but of course we didn't come empty handed. We brought some snacks to help keep us a little preoccupied. The event was to begin at 9pm, however they started letting us in at about 8:40.
Before entering, we were each given a token which was to be used in exchange for pre-event drinks. We went into a socializing type, very kick-back atmospheric room where we got drinks and snacks. The snacks were very nice finger foods as well as a buffet table setup of fine cheeses and crackers as well as vegetables.
Once the event got started, it was very fun and entertaining. The Master of Whiskey was very enthusiastic and charming. He's done these gigs so many times that it comes so naturally to him, I mean, who wouldn't want a job where you could drink and make fun conversation with potential clients, right?
There were small conversations followed by short video clips that explained the significance of each label. There were also short interventions and tastings, of course, between each as well.
My all time favorite label has and still is the green label because of its characteristically strong strengths. It really attacks the taste buds with massive flavors, and it stays that way even if it is on rocks that have dissolved.
Thanks for reading.
Remember: Keep Walking. Drink Responsibly.